Auxiliary tasks | ![]() print-friendly |
by Ovidiu Predescu, Jeff Turner
Auxiliary tasks
These tasks have structural, configuration or metadata roles in an Anteater script.
A Group is a scoping mechanism for Anteater data types and tasks. A group acts as a container for sets of Anteater objects, where member objects can access each other. So, for example, action tasks will automatically use any logger or session objects defined in the group they belong to.
Since a Group is an Anteater object like any other, Groups can belong to groups. This is exploited to implement group inheritance, where Groups inherit properties, loggers and sessions from their parent Group, where a Group's parent is the Group it belongs to.
The inheritance rules are as follows:
- Properties are inherited unless overridden.
- Loggers are inherited as a set, ie they are either all inherited, or all overridden. Thus if our parent defines two loggers, and we define one, only our one will be used.
- Sessions are inherited unless overridden
There is a default, primordial Group to which all Groups and Tasks belong, unless otherwise specified. This is defined in org.apache.anteater.test.DefaultGroup, and is overridden by any group defined with id default.
Groups can be declared either within targets, or straight under Ant's project element.
See the Grouping and Configuration sections for a user-perspective overview of how grouping works.
Attribute name | Type | Default value | Description |
id | string |
Sets the group's id string. This is a required attribute, since without it there is no way to refer to the group. If the id is set to default, the group will be used as the base of the group hierarchy, ie every other group and task will (possibly indirectly) belong to the default group. |
inherits | string |
Sets this group's parent group. This group inherits properties, loggers and sessions from its parent. If a group is assigned id default, it acts as the root group, from which all others inherit. Thus by redefining the default group (eg by adding a logger), one can change the behaviour of all tasks in a script. See Grouping for details. |
Element name | Description |
session |
Add a session to the group. This session will override that declared in the group's parent. All member tasks will use this session. |
logger |
Add a logger to the group, causing all member tasks to use it. No loggers will be inherited from the group's parent. |
property |
Add a property to the group. If a property of the same name was defined in this group's parent, then that property is overridden. Otherwise, properties are inherited. Properties are used to configured Anteater behaviour. See the Configuration section for more on this. |
uses |
Specifies requirements on the underlying Anteater installation that members of this group have. For example: <uses> <feature name="jelly"/> <feature name="xhtml-schema"/> </uses> Specifies that tasks in this group depend on the 'jelly' and 'xhtml-schema' Anteater upgrades. |
group |
Adds a group as a member of this group. The current group becomes the added group's parent. Alternatively, the inherits attribute may be used to indicate group inheritance. |
Taken from the Grouping section:
<project name="groupdemo" default="main"> <taskdef resource="META-INF/Anteater.tasks"/> <typedef resource="META-INF/Anteater.types"/> <group id="mytests"> <property name="debug" value="0"/> </group> <group id="livesite" inherits="mytests"> <property name="host" value=""/> <logger type="xml" todir="{docs.dir}"/> <!-- HTML report --> </group> <group id="devsite" inherits="mytests"> <property name="host" value=""/> <property name="debug" value="1"/> <!-- devsite a bit unstable --> <property name="failonerror" value="true"/> <!-- Don't waste time testing whole site --> <group id="devsite-brokenbit"> <!-- Very broken bit of devsite --> <property name="debug" value="10"/> </group> </group> <target name="main"> <!-- Will have debug=10,, failonerror=true, and log to the console --> <httpRequest group="devsite-brokenbit" path="/broken.html"/> </target> </project>
Anteater logs various events that occur when running a script. These include notifications of errors (unexpected), failures (expected), when an action tasks and tests start or stop.
Typically, action tasks get their loggers through their group, although loggers can be added directly to action tasks. The default group contains a logger of type colour, which is responsible for the messages seen on the console.
The XML logger produces XML log files. These can be rendered to HTML by calling the built-in Anteater report task like this:
<target name="report" description="Generates a HTML report"> <ant antfile="${}"> <property name="log.dir" location="${log.dir}"/> <property name="report.dir" location="reports"/> </ant> </target>
The ${} variable is automatically set from the anteater script, as is ${anteater.home}.
Attribute name | Type | Default value | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
type | String |
plain |
Specifies the type of logger, which determines what to do with logs. Currently defined loggers are:
classname | String |
The value must be a valid and existing Java class name. This attribute specifies exactly which class to use as a logger. The class can be defined externally to Anteater. Loggers must implement the Logger interface. |
useFile | boolean |
Specifies whether to send logs to a file or to the console. Note
Loggers currently ignore this; XML always logs to a file,
the text loggers always log to the screen
filenameFormat | String |
Specify the filename format for log files. Default is TEST-${groupid}_${taskname}_${url}_line-${lineno}_test-${vm-count}${_run-:run}.xml Pretty much any property can be used, both Anteater-specific properties (e.g. the task's description), Group properties, and Ant <property> properties. The following properties are predefined:
There is one quirk in the format: variables of the form ${prefix:variable}. These are interpreted as follows: if ${variable} is defined, and has value value, then ${prefix:variable} is replaced with 'prefixvalue'. For example, ${run_:run} becomes 'run_1', or ${run at :date} becomes 'run at 10/3/03'. If variable is undefined, the variable is replaced with ''. This hackery is primarily for the 'run' variable, which won't exist if overwrite is true (see below). |
overwrite | boolean |
Specifies whether to overwrite log files from previous Anteater runs. By default, if an Anteater script is run twice (two JVM instances), the log files of the second will overwrite the first. By setting overwrite to false, log files will have _runX appended to their name, where X is the next in the file sequence. |
todir | String |
logs |
Specifies a directory in which to create logs, if any. The value must be a directory relative to Anteater's base directory. Only relevant if useFile is true. |
extension | String |
If logging to a file, sets the file extension, e.g. if the value is .xml, it becomes the file extension. Note
The rest of the filename is determined by the
logger, and will generally be chosen to be unique within
the directory.
group | String |
Add this logger to the specified group. |
Elements allowed inside logger: none
Declares an object which stores cookies, and transparently maintains state between multiple action tasks.
The session object does what users have come to expect browsers to do; it caches cookies sent from the server, and resends them on subsequent requests to that server. This is the standard way in which state is maintained in HTTP-based client/server applications.
Usually, one would not need to use this tag, as the default group already defines a session. This tag is useful when you don't want to use the default session for some reason. A session can be shared among multiple action tasks by assigning it an id, and then using refid to refer to it.
Attribute name | Type | Default value | Description |
id | string |
Sets the session id, for use later on with <session refid="..."/> |
Elements allowed inside session: none
Specifies a mapping from XML namespace prefix to namespace URI. This mapping is used in XML-aware testers like xpath
A namespace mapping is required so that when namespace-prefixed elements are used in tasks like xpath, they correctly match equivalent elements in the HTTP response's XML, regardless of their prefix. So if we got back <x:foo xmlns:x="some.uri"/>, and tried to match it with <xpath select="/y:foo"/>, we'd need to a namespace mapping with <namespace prefix="y" uri="some.uri"/>
If you didn't understand a word of this, and don't know what a namespace is, please see the namespace FAQ.
Attribute name | Type | Default value | Description |
prefix | string |
The namespace prefix. This prefix cannot be blank. |
uri | string |
The namespace URI to associate with the prefix. |
Elements allowed inside namespace: none
This example applies a bunch of XPath tests to a Cocoon-generated XML document
<httpRequest path="/nsxml.xml"> <!-- We can't use a blank namespace here. According to the jaxen javadocs: "In XPath, there is no such thing as a 'default namespace'. The empty prefix always resolves to the empty namespace" --> <namespace prefix="x" uri=""/> <match> <xpath select="/"/> <xpath select="/x:request"/> <xpath select="/x:request/x:requestHeaders" assign="h"/> <xpath select="/x:request/x:requestHeaders/x:header[@name='host']"/> <xpath select="/x:request/x:requestHeaders/x:header[@name='host']/text()"/> </match> </httpRequest>
Specifies what Anteater features the script (or a group) needs to run. A Feature is either some aspect of Anteater itself (notably the version), or an optional feature.
Since the advent of the Update System, an Anteater install can have 'updates' applied to it, to give it extra capabilities. Scripts that rely on extra capabilities (extra schemas, for example) will break on Anteater installations lacking those updates. The <uses> tag lets such a script declare it's dependence on an optional feature.
The <uses> tag is scoped by the group it belongs to. By declaring it in the 'default' group, it applies to the whole script. <uses> tags are cumulatively inherited from parent groups, and only 'evaluated' when a task in the group is executed. Outside a group, a <uses> tag is meaningless, so they should always be found either inside a group tag, or have a 'group' attribute.
Attribute name | Type | Default value | Description |
version | dotted decimal (x.y.z) |
(Any anteater version) |
This optional attribute specifies the Anteater version the script is known to work with. The format is a series of decimals separated by dots, most significant first, eg '0.9.14'. Setting a version does not imply that the script is limited to running on the specified version (the tag is 'uses', not 'requires'). The version attribute merely provides information to Anteater, allowing future versions to maintain better backwards-compatibility (eg, by applying an XSLT at runtime to make a script comply with a later format). |
group | string |
Specifies the group that this 'uses' applies to. The same thing can be achieved by nesting the 'uses' tag inside a group element. The specified group must exist. If 'default', the requirements apply to the whole script. |
Element name | Description |
feature |
Specifies an optional Anteater 'upgrade' that tasks in the current group require to run. |
Here is an example which applies to the whole script (default group), specifying the Anteater version known to work (0.9.14), and a requirement on the 'xhtml-schema' upgrade.
... <group id="default"> <uses version="0.9.14"> <feature name="xhtml-schema"/> </uses> </group>
Then later, the script could safely rely on the optional schema:
<httpRequest> <match> <relaxng rngFile="${anteater.resources}/schemas/rng/xhtml/xhtml.rng"/> </match> </httpRequest>
Here is a hierarchy of groups to demonstrate how requirements are accumulated.
<group id="default"> <uses version="0.9.14"/> <!-- Known to run with 0.9.14 --> <group id="xhtml-tests"> <uses> <feature name="xhtml-schema"/> </uses> <group id="xhtml+mathml-tests"> <uses> <feature name="mathml-schema"/> </uses> </group> </group> </group>
Tasks in group 'xhtml-tests' will fail unless 'xhtml-schema' is installed, and tasks in group 'xhtml+mathml-tests' will fail unless both 'xhtml-schema' and 'mathml-schema' are installed.
This tag is nested inside the uses tag. It specifies an Anteater feature that must be present, typically installed via the Update System
Attribute name | Type | Default value | Description |
name | string |
Specifies the name of the required Anteater feature, eg 'jelly', or 'xhtml-schema'. |
The checkuses task will accumulate the features specified by all uses elements in the task's group, and check if the current Anteater installation can provide them.
This check is performed on every action task that contains (or whose group contains) a uses tag, but occasionally one may want to perform this check explicitly, which is what 'checkuses' is for. It takes no nested elements or attributes other than 'group'.
Attribute name | Type | Default value | Description |
group | string |
default |
Specifies the group whose requirements we are to check. Like all tasks, by default this belongs to the 'default' group. |
Here is how we could rely on the 'jelly' upgrade to check if we can use the jelly task "natively".
<uses group="default" version="0.9.13"> <feature name="jelly"/> </uses> <target name="jelly"> <checkuses/> <taskdef name="jelly" classname="org.apache.commons.jelly.task.JellyTask"/> <jelly script="resources/jelly/hello_world.jelly"/> <echo>title is '${title}'</echo> </target>
As no 'group' is specified, 'default' is assumed. Without the <checkuses> element, the target would die with an error, as the specified class is not in Anteater by default.